Thursday, May 27, 2010

Of Tears and Things

Lost is over.

Lost is over and I just don't know what to do with myself.

Damon Lindelof and Jack White should really chat... they are currently the loves of my life and I would really like them to create some crazy artistic love child. Also John Hughes and Quentin Tarantino.


I have this issue where I cry a lot, but can never do it onstage. For instance, the Lost finale: there was this recurring theme in which characters would do a certain thing; (this is me not spoiling anything for those of you intelligent enough to invest brainspace to this work of art) it happened about six times, and I cried like a baby every time. And then, of course, at the end, when the episode and the series were really honestly actually shockingly over and done with I was a veritable puddle.

However, when the forbidden love of my life is banished and I am being forced to take an epic sleeping potion in place of being married to another man... nothing. Not even a drop.

My nurse can cry but I cannot. Sense memory is bullshit and no matter how emotional I feel I just CAN'T CRY. This makes me achingly upset, friends. I feel like a horrid actress and an emotionally immature human being. If I think, if I feel like I am tapping into the same emotions I feel when the tears DO come, and the tears won't come? What does that mean about me? As am actress, a person? I'm probably over-reacting but it scares and angers me. Because of this and other things I'm frustrated with this career I've chosen for myself.

First of all, the logical part of my brain kicked in and reminded me that this is really not a career path that will sustain me and the family I eventually want to have. But I don't want to do anything else. There's never been anything else. Since I was an infant this is all I've wanted to do... besides becoming a fairy, but I'll always be working on that one.

A-I can't cry.
B-I'm awful with people. Interacting, socializing, not to mention networking which is pretty much the bane of my existence.
C-Drama. Already, even now, even TONIGHT I cannot avoid drama with theater people. And, let me tell you, I was NEVER a fan of drama... and I am becoming less and less fanish the more and more I witness and participate (willingly or not) in it.
D-The aforementioned fiscal problem
E-It's been a while since theater has fufilled me like it used to.

More on this last topic. I've been acting without a break since last June. Since Acadia. It's been lovely; Acadia was amazing and Rabbit Hole after it was genius. After Rabbit Hole, however, it fades. Perhaps due to stupid achingly regrettable personal drama, perhaps due to the fact that the shows I participated in weren't exactly... spectacular (by which I mean I did not have the most enjoyable time doing them, or they weren't quality: either/or/both depending on the show). It doens't really matter. All that matters is that I've lost myself in all these theatrics and I need a break to find that girl I know I am and be HER for a while. No Juliet, no Becca, no Amanda, just me. I miss me.

Well... me and my loves. My lovely loves I love oh-so-much. I cannot wait to do nothing but be around people I like this summer.




Tonight was less than pleasurable. And I won't have a break from acting doing the readings. I'll be doing more acting than I have in a while, knowing the director. Which, on the one hand, is a good thing, because it will be more fulfilling acting then I've been doing recently. And on the other hand... I want a break.

And now we get into other things. Things like childhood and memories and how I've screwed myself over.

For a while there, friends, I was happier than I'd been in a long time. And then Lost ended (for some reason it coincided with it, I'm certain it was not the cause)... and now I'm confused again. I'd say lost but it's too easy.

I have been so very busy for this past year, and I know everyone says "Senior year goes by so fast" but Jesus H. Christ! I don't even REMEMBER this past year! Highlights, sure; all the dramatic BS that is my life... that I remember.... But where the time went? ... I think it went into working hard on things I thought would make me happy. And now... I realize that I've stopped paying attention to details; I've been obsessed with the big picture, with schedules and plans and making sure I can do all the big things I want to do. And that isn't where happiness is. Happiness isn't in making plans for your dreamhouse and family when you're twelve years old, or headlining as Juliet when you're 18. It's in that boys hand in your hand, that time he called you rapturous; your best friend's laugh or that time she cut your hair in her living room, the long bus ride home where you fell asleep on each other's shoulders. Or the way college students act during finals week-that progression of sleepless stressed study eyes to relieved relaxed i'm-going-home eyes. The way that pretty girl looked as she spun around the dance floor in her fairy dress. How happy your mother gets when the sun comes out. Baking in 90 degree weather because you want a cookie, dammit!

It's in details, moments. This is what children understand but adults oh-so-often fail to remember; it's that sense of wonder and amazement at all the little things that make children so beautiful.

I keep looking at the mistakes that I've made and I forget that I make them because I get caught up in those details, those moments. And I get lost when I try to be happy because I gloss over the details, moments, and look only at the repercussions of my stupid acts. (And most of my acts are pretty stupid, even the good ones.)

This is nothing profound or original. It's "stop and smell the flowers" reworded.

But, you know what, it's how I feel.

And I don't have to figure out the entirety of my future RIGHT NOW TONIGHT. What I do have to do is curl up in my bed, call a boy I love, and relax. Because I had a bad night, true, and maybe even a bad week. But tonight I stood on campus sharing a cigarette with my mother, I got a couple laughs from audience members, and left some hilariously embarrassing messages on my loverly lover's phone.

There's good in the bad, and even if there is bad in the good, the good is ALWAYS there. And if you look for it... you can find it... and if you give it a little nudge it'll multiply for you and grow into a smile and then a laugh and the bad fade fade fades away.

Tonight was bad... but tomorrow is going to be spectacular.


Sunday, May 16, 2010

50,000 Copies of My Face

Oh. My. Word.

Three nights of rehearsal and then we open R&J!!!! It's so magnificently nerve-racking, these few days before opening... everyone realizes that we've got less than a week left and panic starts spreading. But coming from Private Lives, I feel immune to the panic and I just enjoy the new experience of being here with these new people doing this new thing in this new place.

I love it.

I love doing this thing I do and I almost love the fact that it takes me until show week to feel mildly comfortable with the cast. I almost love being the awkward little kid, the baby of the group, asking for rides and not being able to go out with everyone else. Almost. But not really.

It's been like this forever and I just don't know how to shake it off. I'm just shy. That's the only way I can think of to put it; I'm shy and awkward and I don't do well with people. And that's one of the things that freaks me out about this "industry." My lack of social skills may hurt my career. And I kind of hate that because I'm okay with being socially awkward in all respects but the theater bit. I like to read and write more than party (although under the right circumstances I love partying) and in big groups I get lost most of the time.


The point is that RIGHT NOW things are going good.

I mean, look at this. This is our poster. Coin Purse took out an ad in Vitamin of that poster... 50,000 copies of my face are going to be distributed. That's pretty freaking cool, don't you think? I don't want to come off as being big-headed or anything but I'm not going to lie and say I'm not proud of myself. I am. And I love that photo.

I love my life.

Even if I am awkward and fail in situations where everyone is laughing and bantering in the parking lots and I sit on the curb listening and wishing I knew how to join in, even if I'm younger and less experienced... I have so much fun doing what I do. I love the people making the tomfoolery and I love observing even if I'm too scared to join in.

Please come see my show!! If you can't read the poster it's this Thurs-Sat (20th-22nd) and next Thurs-Sat (27th-28th) at Blank Slate theater (499 Wacouta St. St.Paul) at 7 30 PM-- it's the basement of a church. Yeah, it's that legit :)

COME!! See my Juliet!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Big-Kid, Little-Kid

So, friends, much has happened since we last spoke. Time has passed, shows have passed, and I'm getting ready to start a new era (as they say) of my little old (young) life.

Today is Tuesday. On Friday I took my last bow at South High, an experience I was not in the least prepared for. Private Lives had many ups and downs (more downs than ups, I must say) but despite all the silly little high school drama, it was sad and scary to take my last high school bow. Now I have to venture out into the real world; I have to be a big kid, go out and find my own auditions and fight for roles. Scary. And in the end, Private Lives wasn't half bad. We had a huge audience that last night and (though my performance was not my best from the run) it was a really good show. My loverly lover stood up and gave me flowers before I bowed. I cried.

I will miss a lot about South High Theater; I'll miss that smelly green room and the massive stage with the awful acoustics. I've been thinking about it and I don't think I'll miss what I thought I'd miss; I won't miss that constancy, that place where I knew I was part of something. Eventually I'm sure I will but right now I just want to make my own life. Be part of me. That's stupid but there's no other way I can think to explain it. I will miss many of those kids though, I have a lot of Sophomore friends I don't spend enough time with, and I'll probably (certainly) spend less time with them after graduation. Sad day. Well... bittersweet day.

Yesterday, Monday, I took my last final. That's a lie, I have one on Friday but the credits aren't going towards graduating high school so I don't really care much. Anyway, I took my Bio final and thought I did better than I did, but I passed the class!!! Woo-hoo!! A "C" is fine with me :) Oh, and remember that Art and Archeology paper I was oh-so-diligent about? I'm not sure what I got on the paper, but it must have been good because I got an A- in the course!! Can we just take a moment to appreciate that I am now officially finished with high school? Okay, so I still have some online health to do, but that doesn't really count, now does it?? I'M DONE!!!

So. New era. Big kid stuff, bows and finals.

Now let's talk about prom! I went to my Senior Prom on Saturday with my loverly lover and a group of theater kids, including two of the loves of my life; Sophomores who I got to know last year when I cast them in a one-act I directed. Anyway I loved my outfit (for once, the last few years I went to prom I was not so keen on my choice of dress, etc.) and actually had a considerable amount of fun. I also got to take home one of the posters they decorated the wall with, they were just giant playing cards, I took the nine of spades :)

My favorite picture of the whole experience. It just looks to me like the lovely, mildy self-conscious but on-the-whole happy and joyful spirit of both that night, and the majority of my teenagerdom. Plus I absolutely love the people in that photo and, of course, they are utterly and completely beautiful creatures.

Also I cut my own bangs. Straight across and 20s esque, but I made 'em a little jagged and unclean, mostly because I am awful at cutting my hair but also because it suits me better. It was this impulse move... I haven't tried to cut my hair since fifth grade (a disaster) but I just went for the scissors and before I knew it... low and behold, bangs!

Went to my first R&J rehearsal since Private Lives, and it was a little intimidating but also quite comforting. We were expected to be off book but everyone was calling lines like nobody's business. I was afraid it was going to be just me, that all these real life professional types would have it down pat already. I don't think I really give myself enough credit sometimes... I mean, I'm a lazy S.O.B a lot of the time, but I do a lot. And I really do try. Maybe I'll be able to match up as an adult... maybe... ;)

So. That is my life.

I want you all to listen to She & Him and Vampire Weekend now. They are my new favorite thing. Check. Them. Out.

Oh, god, I'm tired. Goodnight, friends.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

She & Him


Remember back in the day when I had to write that 10 page paper for my Art& Archeology class? Well, now I'm doing part two! Only this one has to be 12-14 pages and I did something to my hand in the show last night and utilizing it is rather painful. And, of course, I'm writing a blog post instead of actually working. Story of my life.

Except... you know... not.

My life's pretty good.

My lovely friends and family threw me a surprise party last weekend! It was actually marvelous. My friends tried to throw me a surprise party before I went to Maine last summer and it was a fabulously valiant effort and we all had fun... but the "surprise" element was a little... nonexistent. Saturday, however, I was achingly surprised.

When I got to Andy and Cheryl's Cheryl was bustling to get ready and she sent me upstairs to grab a tablecloth. When I opened the door to their bedroom everyone popped out and exploded little popper guys! It was like a marvelously stereotypical surprise moment. I cried.

So many people I loved came and we had so much fun.

It. Was. Lovely.

It was a tie for the favorite gift slot, folks.

This is actually the most beautiful thing ever. Some boy got it for me :)

And then my loverly gal pal made me cupcakes. These were very special cupcakes, friends. My galpal and I, instead of saying "I love you," we say "Monkey Banana Cake" or "MBC". Long story. Anyway. This loverly galpal-o-mine made me banana chocolate chip cupcakes with monkey candles on top. MONKEY BANANA (CUP)CAKES!!! I cried like a goddamn baby.

She also gave me She & Him.

If you don't know who She & Him is you really really really seriously should check them out. Because oh. My. Word. It's Zooey Deschanel and M. Ward being awesome and lovely et cetera.

So, she got me their two albums AND a ticket to their concert in June! It'll be my first 18+ concert :)

Oh, goodness, friends, I'm so excited.

In other news we've had two performances of Private Lives and both have contained disasters. This is kind of awesome, actually, I was afraid I was going to learn NOTHING from this experience, but I am totes muh goats learning how to deal with crises. The houses have been small but the shows have been fun, and they're getting better and better.

And I have one page left of my paper.

Which I'll do after the show... shut up guilty voices in my head! I need to relax for a moment before the show tonight.

Okay? Okay.


Wish me luck tonight!!!!!!!!!!!

And I wish you luck in all you do :)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

R & J

All right so I'm old now, whatever. LET'S TALK ABOUT THEATER!!! After all, that is supposed to be subject of this blog, rather than silly teenage ramblings.

At the moment I am in two shows concurrently (plus a reading), something I've never done before and probably never will. At least not during finals week. Woo-hoo time to fail Bio!!! Anyway, it's stress city. Private Lives runs next week, which means I'm missing a week of Romeo & Juliet rehearsal... and Romeo's going to be in Czech Republic that week. It's not the worst play to run without the two main characters however, there are plenty of scenes they can do without us.

Private Lives = under-rehearsed
Romeo & Juliet = over rehearsed

Maybe I only feel like R & J is over rehearsed because I just did a reading of it and I already knew the script and character pretty well. (Side note: I'm pretty sure I am Juliet. Minus the situation of her life and death and all, I achingly relate to her) If I hadn't had that experience I'd probably really appreciate the extra work with the script.

Private Lives is another story. We preview Monday and we've never had a full run. Ever. We've never even had a run of Act III, there are some parts we've only done once, without direction or blocking from the director. And the director! God! I never felt like he cared about the show and JUST got my first set of notes from him. We preview MONDAY!!! It is AWFUL to go onstage feeling this under-rehearsed. Our director told us to go see a show this weekend at Southwest (our competing high school for pretty much everything, including theater) because "they know how to have fun onstage." Please don't criticize us for not having fun, sir. It's difficult to have fun when you HAVEN'T BLOCKED THE ENTIRE SHOW OR GIVEN US ANY NOTES EVER AND WE DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL WE'RE DOING. AT ALL. So. That's upsetting. As evident by the superfluous caps.

R&J is going pretty well though, I think. I'm the baby of the cast mega-time, but I think people like me well enough. I hope they do. I'm achingly shy and incredibly quiet, so it's usually more of a pleasant acknowledgment, I feel. I'm connecting with the director and the woman who plays my nurse, so that's good. Romeo's another story. I'm just a tad too awkward... but it'll totes happen and be marvelous.

We also had a photo shoot the other night! Apparently the poster is going to be a close up of my face. So that was not at all intimidating or overwhelming. Slash the most intimidating and overwhelming and slightly to incredibly awesome thing ever. We took photos with the Capulets, shots of the poster, other (non-poster) individual shots, AND Romeo and Juliet shots. It was pretty hectic and awesome and legit. We rehearse in this mega huge building that used to be a massive art gallery, and we have access to the whole thing, so there were portraits in the basement, shots in one room upstairs and more in another room.


Crazy life.

I'm really happy with that show and really glad to be a part of it. Being able to play Juliet in a steam punk Romeo & Juliet??? That's pretty much the greatest thing ever.

God, I'm happy.

At this moment.

Direct contrast to my last post, I suppose. I kind of go up and down a lot.

I've had a good few days. The photo shoot was on my birthday, I got a lot of love on my birthday, and more yesterday, and yet more today!

My next post will be documenting my gifts :)

Tonight is family celebration time, I plan to have boatloads of fun. Good plan? Good goddamn plan!!!!!!!

Thanks for listening :)