Sunday, May 2, 2010

She & Him


Remember back in the day when I had to write that 10 page paper for my Art& Archeology class? Well, now I'm doing part two! Only this one has to be 12-14 pages and I did something to my hand in the show last night and utilizing it is rather painful. And, of course, I'm writing a blog post instead of actually working. Story of my life.

Except... you know... not.

My life's pretty good.

My lovely friends and family threw me a surprise party last weekend! It was actually marvelous. My friends tried to throw me a surprise party before I went to Maine last summer and it was a fabulously valiant effort and we all had fun... but the "surprise" element was a little... nonexistent. Saturday, however, I was achingly surprised.

When I got to Andy and Cheryl's Cheryl was bustling to get ready and she sent me upstairs to grab a tablecloth. When I opened the door to their bedroom everyone popped out and exploded little popper guys! It was like a marvelously stereotypical surprise moment. I cried.

So many people I loved came and we had so much fun.

It. Was. Lovely.

It was a tie for the favorite gift slot, folks.

This is actually the most beautiful thing ever. Some boy got it for me :)

And then my loverly gal pal made me cupcakes. These were very special cupcakes, friends. My galpal and I, instead of saying "I love you," we say "Monkey Banana Cake" or "MBC". Long story. Anyway. This loverly galpal-o-mine made me banana chocolate chip cupcakes with monkey candles on top. MONKEY BANANA (CUP)CAKES!!! I cried like a goddamn baby.

She also gave me She & Him.

If you don't know who She & Him is you really really really seriously should check them out. Because oh. My. Word. It's Zooey Deschanel and M. Ward being awesome and lovely et cetera.

So, she got me their two albums AND a ticket to their concert in June! It'll be my first 18+ concert :)

Oh, goodness, friends, I'm so excited.

In other news we've had two performances of Private Lives and both have contained disasters. This is kind of awesome, actually, I was afraid I was going to learn NOTHING from this experience, but I am totes muh goats learning how to deal with crises. The houses have been small but the shows have been fun, and they're getting better and better.

And I have one page left of my paper.

Which I'll do after the show... shut up guilty voices in my head! I need to relax for a moment before the show tonight.

Okay? Okay.


Wish me luck tonight!!!!!!!!!!!

And I wish you luck in all you do :)


  1. I wish I could've gotten to know you better in high school. Being a creeper and reading the first page of your blog make me realize that even more. I'm just really really shy and I kinda regret that we didn't cross paths as much.

  2. Aw geez, Billy Jim!

    I'm glad that someone who isn't my close friend is checking out my blog :)

    There's still another month left if you're in my year. So say hi!!!
