Sunday, September 29, 2013

Song Lyric

We have sort of talked about music before. And if you haven't noticed, my posts are most usually titled from song lyrics. Because I listen to a lot of music. I love listening to music more than I love almost anything else in the world. I don't need to be doing anything else if I've found good music to lay on my bed and listen to.

I truly think there is something beautiful when. When. Okay I wrote this thing. Sometimes I write these things that aren't really poems but more just like prose with funny spacing, but I was trying to express it like a real person and I think this just does it better. Don't make fun of me. I fail. But it's okay because I wasn't really trying.

there is a magical feeling of

for someone as unconnected as myself

when an artist writes words that speak to your soul
as though they were written just for you
and the fact that hundreds of thousands of other
feel the very same way
to deter or interrupt your connection
with this complete stranger
who expresses your own deepest emotions
better than you could ever dream to

It is a thing that I think and I feel about often. So. Here are the lyrics that are scrawled in the margins of my journal. Some of them. Anyways. 

Full disclosure. All I've been listening to recently are the new Arctic Monkeys and Cold War Kids albums... so it's mostly them. 

"I once knew a girl, in the years of my youth, with eyes like the summer, all beauty and truth, but in the morning i fled, left a note and it read: someday you will be loved." Death Cab for Cutie-- Someday You Will Be Loved

"But that place on memory lane you like still looks the same but something about it's changed." Arctic Monkeys-- Fireside

"And i want to tell you my thoughts, but my thoughts are scattered like crows" Cold War Kids-- Fear & Trembling

"It's hard to get around the wind." alex turner

"I'm not the same kid, i grew up. Did i? Or did i get stuck?" Cold War Kids--- Bottled Affection... truly I think I may have accidentally quoted this in my last post. I've listened to this song probably ten million times in the past two weeks. 

"My solitude it makes me softer, my suffering is not in vain." Cold War Kids--- Jailbirds

"Sorry to be heavy, but heavy is the cost. Heavy is the cost." Stars-- Personal 

"I'm at war with head vs heart, and it's always this way. My head is weak, my heart always speaks before i know what it will say." Death Cab for Cutie-- Crooked Teeth

"I know i can't stay here too long, cause i can't go a week without doing wrong." The Devil Makes Three (who are coming to First Ave, who's going with me?)---- Ol No 7

"Fuck this place! I lost the war, I hate you all, Your mom's a whore. Wheres my dog? Girls are such a drag." Blink 182--- Dysentary Gary

That last one's a joke. Mainly. 

Also pretty much this entire song was a ridiculous part of my life for a while, have I ever mentioned Alex Turner? Ha. Also the video's really cool. Really any Arctic Monkeys video. If you're into that kind of thing. Oh, and this. Cold War Kids. Song. There is no music video for it... but the one you make up in your head will be better anyway. 

I hope that everyone is listening to music that makes them feel all the feels, like they are a part of the universe. I'm all about that shit. Obviously. 


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